Friday, 11 October 2013

Humility . . .a lesson.

I have recently learned a lesson about humility . . .

I had worked pretty hard on an assignment for one of my courses in seminary for 1 week straight, staying late at the library every night.

The previous Saturday, I crashed; slept for 12 hours straight during the day after my evening sleep time.

On Sunday, I dragged myself through the motions of going to church and crashed on the couch of my fiance's for a while in the late afternoon, early evening.

Slept for the better part of Monday after cancelling my meeting with my Spiritual Director and then managed to rouse myself from my slumber to finish reading 3 books/periodicals for my assignment due later that night at midnight. Got it posted at 10:30 pm and I thought . . . surely this is an A+ assignment. But . . .

I got a B+ instead.

To be honest, I was disappointed but I realized there was a lesson in this. I had gotten used to high grades at Humber for the Revit course. And even though I did work, I had not worked nearly as intensely as I had for this assignment at seminary.

I guess the stakes are higher in grad school. The expectations for scholarly excellence higher.

I have to approach it with a consistent effort of running a marathon, not a sprint race.

And really examine why I want the high grades. Is it a matter of pride? Had I gotten proud of my academic achievements and rested on my laurels without bettering myself from a time management and work ethic point of view?

I had worked hard, but now was the time to not only work hard but also smart as well.

Also, to accept with humility what God ordains for me to receive grade-wise.

God bless,


1 comment:

  1. Good job, Albert. B+ is a good grade. I think you are doing well. I'm cheering you on from Incheon, South Korea. Go, Albert, go! All glory to God for giving you the desire to study!
